Sunday, June 13, 2010

Barbarossa Double Dark Lager

Barbarossa Double Dark Lager. Despite it's name this is not very dark, it may be twice as dark as an albino irishman, so I guess double dark may be based on some comparison of which I am not aware. The actual color is Christmas light red. It is very sweet, and has a very complex malty flavor. Not much really to say about this one. It is good, and not so thick that the sweetness leaves the tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. Reminds me of drinking watered down coke syrup.

MoerLein Discovery Pack

Moerlein Discovery Pack. Took a family trip to Cincinnati for the weekend, and what family trip would be complete without some sampling of the local refreshments. And sample I did. The Moerlein brewery is in Cincinnati and I was fortunate enough to find two of these packs. Each pack had 3 bottles of 4 different beers: Over the Rhine Ale, Barbarossa Double Dark Lager, Lager House Original Golden Helles, and one featured brew. The featured brews in this case was The Friend of an Irishman Stout, or The Emancipator Doppel Bock. I elected to go with the the stout as the last doppel bock (AndyGator) I had was still lingering on my tatsebuds as warning to all who approached. It was great finding a sample pack as it provided me variety and allowed me to tour the brewery while still hanging out poolside watching my spawn swim. I like that I even had choices in the variety pack. I used the Ale and the Stout to make a Black and Tan. This is one of those cases of 2 great tastes tasting great together, my pour was poor, but it will get better as will the Black and Tans, as this was more of a Black and Dark Brown.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saranac Black Forest

Saranac Black Forest. This beer is so smooth it is like someone juiced silk. A dark ruby color but not like Dorthy's slippers, unless they were dipped in oil, the red peaks out at you through the darkness. It is a malty, sweet, rich, not a hint of bitterness but the taste doesn't linger so your not left with a gummy feeling. This beer is gone faster than you know. One minute my glass was full, the next it wasn't. And did I mention that this beer is smooth, I mean Barry White singing to my tastebuds smooth.


Andygator. This thing smells like bad fruit, like a strawberry patch at the end of the year that hasn't been tended. This odd thick stink, that has a hint of old sweetness to it and leaves an unenvoked gag at the back of your throat. The taste is not much better, not only is it not good, but tastes oily and leaves an slick feel in your mouth like a deepfried stick of butter rolled in bacon grease. Except less appealing. It is like a bad Malt liquer, not even a high class one that Billy Dee would drink, but the kind homeless people buy and later use as pillows. This beer has made alligators uncool. The bottle says it is a Fearsome Beast too big for any bottle. I agree they should not have put this in a bottle. Camo was less dissappointing because for the price you expect less. I could go on about the atrocity of this beer for a bit as I am still drinking it(It could be tried for warcrimes BTW). But I will finish it as the only thing worse than a bad beer is a wasted one.

Black Sheep Ale

Black Sheep Ale. Pours thin and yellow, looking unispired and plain like any other pale ale, it is surprisingly different than it appears, it lacks any bitter aftertatse, leaving an almost sweet taste in it's place. That would have to be the biggest problem with this beer, it may lack the expected but everything thing else is almost there. Like finding a quarter on the ground, yeah it's not something you expect but it is also not a story to tell your grandkids "Back in...well hell, had be 2010, cause Obama was serving his first term, it was early summer and the thunderstorms were hitting everyday like they do that time a year 'specially in Ohio, every afternoon like clockwork for darn near a week straight. But storms they're good for the crops, not that I was much of a farmer, But anyway I found a quarter." See, this beer is like that story, boring and not much point to it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Flying Dog:Raging Bitch

Raging Bitch. I am a sucker for marketing a fancy lable that tells me how I won't like something or that I would be wasting my time on something so great and I will be almost assured to purchase it. With all the beers available something needs to set your beer apart from the millions of others on the shelf. Fancy pictures will do, or in the case of this beer an attention grabbing name. Raging Bitch, the name alone makes me think that this beer will be so bitter that it will boil rabbits. If this beer were a woman it would be that girl that ends up burning all your stuff and screaming in what can only be tounges while she does it. All your left with is the memories of the overly sweet beginings and the thought "Huh, I didn't know Playstations were flammable, maybe I should call a priest". While make the sign of the cross and enjoy this Belgian Style IPA by the fading light of your possesions. This 8.3% ABV has a hoppy fruity front end and leaves a bitter taste your mouth. I am also the kind of sucker to drink another one.