Flying Dog:Raging Bitch

Raging Bitch. I am a sucker for marketing a fancy lable that tells me how I won't like something or that I would be wasting my time on something so great and I will be almost assured to purchase it. With all the beers available something needs to set your beer apart from the millions of others on the shelf. Fancy pictures will do, or in the case of this beer an attention grabbing name. Raging Bitch, the name alone makes me think that this beer will be so bitter that it will boil rabbits. If this beer were a woman it would be that girl that ends up burning all your stuff and screaming in what can only be tounges while she does it. All your left with is the memories of the overly sweet beginings and the thought "Huh, I didn't know Playstations were flammable, maybe I should call a priest". While make the sign of the cross and enjoy this Belgian Style IPA by the fading light of your possesions. This 8.3% ABV has a hoppy fruity front end and leaves a bitter taste your mouth. I am also the kind of sucker to drink another one.
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