Black Sheep Ale. Pours thin and yellow, looking unispired and plain like any other pale ale, it is surprisingly different than it appears, it lacks any bitter aftertatse, leaving an almost sweet taste in it's place. That would have to be the biggest problem with this beer, it may lack the expected but everything thing else is almost there. Like finding a quarter on the ground, yeah it's not something you expect but it is also not a story to tell your grandkids "Back in...well hell, had be 2010, cause Obama was serving his first term, it was early summer and the thunderstorms were hitting everyday like they do that time a year 'specially in Ohio, every afternoon like clockwork for darn near a week straight. But storms they're good for the crops, not that I was much of a farmer, But anyway I found a quarter." See, this beer is like that story, boring and not much point to it.

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